Necrosi al femore: Pamela chiede un consiglio
Hello Dr. Santerella,
I read the above letter with interest. I would like to take HBO treatments.
I also have avascular necrosis of the femor head of my right hip joint and osteoarthritis of my right hip and left knee joints. I have the CDs of an MRI taken on November 23, 2015 and an x-ray taken in February 2015 of my right hip. I also have CDs of MRIs taken of both knees and my lower back.
In May and July 2016 I took about 50 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments.
These treatments were done before and after stem cell therapy and core decompression with stem cells of my right hip joint. At the same time I received stem cell treatment to my left knee which has osteoarthritis.
I believe the cause of the problems in these joints is that both were badly injured in previous years.
If possible, I would like meet with you and bring my CDs and the radiology reports. I want to preserve my joints because I cannot have surgery.
Best Regards,
1 Comment
Risponde il dott. Luigi Santarella,
Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia Università di Bologna,
Master di II° livello in Medicina Subacquea ed Iperbarica
Ordine Dei Medici di Ravenna N° 3151
Hi miss Pamela
The core decompression, associated with stem cells implantation, is an invasive approach in the treatment of avascular necrosis of the hip.
The last scientific review has found that implantation of autologous mesenchymal stem cells into the core decompression track, particularly when employed at early (pre-collapse) stages, would improve the survivorship of femoral heads and reduce the need for hip arthroplasty.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a non invasive therapeutic strategy used for the same pathology, mediated by the antiaedema effects, neovasculogenesis and bone replacement.
The association of implantation of autologous mesenchymal stem cells with HBOT, isn’t routinely used, but could improve the prognosis.
Regarding your case reported I suggest you to have a medical evaluation by a Orthopedic doctor, it s mandatory in fact to know the clinical and radiological assessment (by x ray or magnetic resonance) of your hip to establish the appropriate therapeutic approach.
For other informations plase contact our boureau 051 6061240.
In bocca al lupo!
Dott. Luigi Santarella
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